Saturday 24 December 2011

“How did I get here?”

A few weeks ago my Pastor preached a message, simply titled “how did I get here?” The message itself took a different route that focused on the plan God has for our life, in where we stand in it all. Yet, after hearing the message, I decided to ask myself the question again: How did I get here? As I type, I’m thousands of miles up in the air heading home for Winter break, and quite honestly ten years ago I probably would have laughed in disbelief if someone told me where I’d be now. At a younger age, I had my plans of doing well in life, in hopes of making enough money to buy whatever I wanted. I think at one point I wanted to be a teacher, a millionaire, and serve in the army all before the age of 18. Well I’m past 18, and none of those said plans are true—-well at least not in the physical form. For one, up until a few years ago, I spent so much time engrossed in my own plans of how I thought my life should be. I would make plans, and maybe pray about them. Then when things fell through, I would throw a spiritual temper tantrum and depart from God.  This cycle continued for many years, I would make a plan, it wouldn’t happen, I took it personal, and then blamed God.
See what I was doing is something we all do; we basically take our lives in our own hands, and depart from the one who created us. It’s like a puppet attempting to be its own puppeteer—- doesn’t make sense right? That’s because it is insane for us to ever think that we have what it takes to know our tomorrow and even plan for it. Even more so it is an insult to God for us to make plans and not seek his counsel, wisdom, and direction. The reality is, making plans on our own is telling God that He is not capable of us trusting Him. Imagine, telling the person you love on earth the most that they are not worthy of your trust and their voice doesn’t matter. If you claim to love someone without trusting them, then you do not love them. The book of John tells us how much God loved us and how He gave us the ultimate sacrifice in the form of His son (John 3:16). God knew the wickedness of the world, yet His love for us surpassed any fear or mistrust and He sent His humble Son, Jesus. God’s way of showing us His love was through an action that surpasses all understanding. The bible tells us in Psalms 43:13-15, “the Lord looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men. From the place of His dwelling He looks On all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works”
This means that God fashions us each on an individual basis, which results in various destinies and journeys. You current position may be so far from what you thought it would be, because God is not out to make you into the prototype or standard of this world. Instead, He looks to shape you on a path that is unique to your talents, capabilities, and destiny. So ask yourself the question, How did I get here? And thank God, because the journey you’ve taken thus far is specially ordained for you.
Season’s Greetings Y’all!

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