Wednesday, 21 September 2011


Many christian youth who are already in the Lord, serving the lord whole heartedly and commited to the things of the Lord by working in HIS VINEYARD as a vessel unto honour, but do they know the real meaning of abiding in his commandment and obeying his word, or have they ever wonder how men of GOD hear from God and having the interest of hearing also from THE SAME GOD, without deviating from the presence of the MOST HIGH. Have you ever wonder why the youth of present are distraughted and distraited about WHO GOD IS AND HAVING THE FEAR OF GOD without thinking of who stand near to them or what people think about them, however the present environment the youth live in now has shifted their thoughts and FEAR away from God, and has subjected them to heed to whatever approaches them in terms of YOUTHFUL EXUBERANCE.e.g immorality, alcohol, fornication, covetousness, violence, drug abuse.etc....which in turn as left them with no choice than to obey, meanwhile it has affected them mentally , spiritually, physically,emotionally,psychologically and intellectually and has underestimated them to fulfill their purpose as they wish and like without anyone correcting them of their demeanour, PRO 1;7 THE FEAR OF THE LORD  is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction , ITS A PITY WE HAVE BEEN LIVING IN A DECIETFUL , VICIOUS AND DEVLISH WORLD which has forcefully snatch our vibrant and inclined children of God for the purpose of God concerning their lives. THE BIBLE SAYS IN THE BOOK OF ECCLESIASTES 11:10,.... FOR CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH ARE VANITY..THE DEVIL has blinded the youths eyes to see what lies ahead of them and the promises of God over our lives, thats why we are so vulnerable in the hands of the manipulators and destiny destroyers e.g influence from friends and accquitances, 1corint 15:33 DO NOT BE DECIEVED EVIL COMPANY CORRUPT GOOD HABIT, we might as well think we have gotten to the zenith where no body needs to give us words of advice,  HEY LOOK @ Ephesians 5:15-16, See then that ye walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are EVIL....but we are unaware of the fact that we are walking in the darkness when we don't have the right people to lead us aright in order for us not to make mistakes and fall. Vast majority had fallen and stummbled and have risen up so fast that they are moving on with their lives likewise some also have fallen and they are living in the past feeling of regression and bitterness of how to unwind the past mistakes, WERE IT NOT FOR HIS MERCY AND LOVINGKINDNESS !!!!!!!!!!! unfortunatly one cant except God erase it, and yet we are rendering God free service of our youthful days without examining ourselves appropiately if we are truly serving him or making fools of ourselves in HIS SIGHT. Practically some youth are rendering glorious and sweet smelling savour and doing exploit for OUR GOD !!!! Apparently we've forgotten about what lies ahead of us in the future, whether our past mistakes will HUNT us or not, we have a job to do by ministering to the youth in our generation also to pray for right leaders who will guide us aright in every path we tread our foot on. We only know what we've done that as made us run back to the architect of our life, OUR MASTER !!!!!!!!!!!!! OUR CREATOR!!!!!!!! can we ever run  or hide anything away from him ???? .... oh noooooo we cant because he sees  and knows ALL THINGS, all we need to do is to amend our ways and seek for his infinte mercy and he will take us back like that of the prodigal son thus reversing our footstep away from the old path,which is OUR SIN but when we continuously walking in the old ways it leads to INIQUITY and that is what God detest, but hold up, we are strong and vivacious, so let us use our youth days to serve THE IMMORTAL cause we are like a virtue in HIS HAND, therefore commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established and moreover PRO 3VS 5-6,  GOSH AM SURE YOU KNOW THAT TOOO.....the SERPENT has made the world soooo attractive and fascinated to all but HIS target is THE YOUTH, embed or rather imbibe in the WORD and absorb your whole being in it, TRUST ME HE WILL NEVER MAKE YOU FALL INTO THAT SAME PITS AGAINNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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